We Are A Welcoming And Inclusive Church Spreading Love, Spirit, Faith And Unity
Welcome to Maradjao Magbalantay College Seminary, the heart of the Diocese of Surigao.
Our Mission:
To attain this vision we the Seminarians of Maradjao Magbalantay College Seminary commit to:
Configure ourselves to Jesus Christ, the High Priest, to integrate human values in our priestly formation.
Build and strengthen community life through appraisal and camaraderie.
Have a deeper and closer relationship with Christ the Good Shepherd through the sacraments especially the Eucharist, the word of God by personal and communal prayer and meditation.
Be intellectually equipped by means of constant study and reflection, and by being aware and sensitive to the signs of the times.
Seek to know Christ by means of pastoral involvement and social concern like Mary, the Blessed Mother of God and the perfect disciple of Christ.
Uphold the thrust of the Diocese especially the building up of the Basic Ecclesial Community.
Our Vision:
MMCS envisions to be a real home, forming seminarians after the heart and mind of the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ, nourished by His words and sacraments, witnessing the gospel values of discipleship.